District Synod and Pastors Conference
District Gathers for Synodical Meeting
By Michelle Storie
More than 260 delegates, pastors and visitors gathered at The Ark Salisbury Lutheran Church on Saturday, May 25, for the District’s meeting of Synod.
The day began with opening worship, led by Bishop David Altus and Pastor Joel Cramer, with the theme ‘Life from the Ashes’ shared through songs and Bishop David’s message.
The following resolutions were passed on the day:
−− The financial reports for the District and District Holding Company for 2018 were accepted
−− The proposed budget for the District for 2019 was approved
−− The proposed merger of Lutheran Community Care and Lutheran Disability Services was discussed and accepted.
After lunch and a time of fellowship, Pastor Stephen Schultz presented a possible ministry model for the twenty-first century.
Feedback gathered on the day will be sent out to all congregations in the next few weeks, along with minutes.
Thank you to all who travelled to attend, to the people of Salisbury who assisted with organising and helped on the day, and a big thank you to the District Office staff for all of your efforts.
The District Convention of Synod for 2020 will be held from 15 to 17 May. The venue will be advised later, but please note this date in your church calendars.
Ministers Convene at District Pastors Conference
By Pastor Eugene Minge, Second Assistant Bishop
This year’s District Pastors Conference was held in Gawler from May 22 to 24.
More than one hundred active and retired pastors and vicars gathered from across South Australia and the Northern Territory to connect, learn, discuss and encourage each other in our work for Christ’s Kingdom.
Bishops John Henderson and David Altus presented reports and led discussions on topics such as ordination in the LCA and the ongoing dialogue with the Uniting Church of Australia.
Pastor James Winderlich and Pastor Gordon Wegener talked to us about various learning opportunities in the LCA for pastors and laypeople. Tim Ross, Mary-Ann Carver and Carl Collins presented on behalf of the Professional Standards Department on the role of pastors in protecting the vulnerable in our church. All of these conversations were held in the context of worship, prayer and fellowship among our pastors.
On behalf of the Planning Team, our sincere thanks go to everyone who contributed. In particular, thanks to Michelle at the District Office who handled the bulk of the organisation, and the people of Gawler Lutheran Church who provided the venue and kept us well fed. Your hospitality was exceptional!
Thanks also to the congregations who made it possible for your pastors to attend the conference. It was a valuable investment into your pastor and his ministry.
READ MORE STORIES ABOUT Convention of Synod, pastors