Policies and Procedures
- LCA Standards of Ethical Behaviour
- LCA Social Media Policy
- LCA Information and Communication Technology
- Prevention of Risk of Sexual Offence by a Person of Concern Policy
- LCA Child Protection
- LCA Child Protection Procedure
- LCA Complaints Handling
- LCA Prevention of Harassment and Abuse
- LCA Privacy
- LCA Gift Acceptance Policy
- SA–NT District Refund Policy
- Conflict of Interest for Congregations and Parishes
- Handling of Offerings
- Policy and Guidelines for Audits or Review of Small Congregations and Parishes
- SA-NT Health and Safety Policy
- LCA SA-NT District Disaster Relief Fund Rules
- LCA Congregation Financial Delegations Policy
The Work Health and Safety booklet for congregations is currently under review and will be uploaded shortly.
- Facility Hire Agreement
- LCA Copyright Guidelines
- LCA Social Media Guidelines
- Guidelines for Meetings within the LCA
- First Aid for Vulnerable People Contact Form
- How to access your LCA email and shared mailbox online
Forms for loans, grants, human resources, travel, expense claims, nominations and study assistance can be found on the LCA website.
If you have any questions about constitutions, please contact District Administrator Angela Rogers (angela.rogers@lca.org.au).