Longest Lutheran Lunch aligns with ALWS
How would you respond to an invitation for a free lunch, where you may only be served porridge, beans or lentils?
What if you were offered a gourmet banquet instead? Except for that privilege, you may have to pay $26?
Would it help to know your $26 ‘sacrifice’ will help a child (even several children) in a Kenyan Refugee Camp receive schooling for a year?
In 2019, Longest Lutheran Lunch has aligned with the ALWS GRACE Project, which aims to support 40,000 children in crisis to go to school – matching and celebrating the 40,000 students blessed by Australian Lutheran schools.
Our Longest Lutheran Lunch ethos hasn’t changed – offering a long lunch, lingering for a good time and spreading God’s love. Offering a Gourmet GRACE Gathering will give 10% of attendees a delectable lunch banquet, while 90% receive a more humble meal, similar to those provided in a refugee camp.
Perhaps the 10% will share their lunch? Maybe others will pay for a gourmet lunch instead? Whatever happens, people will be challenged and lives in Kenya will be changed.
You can host your own Gourmet GRACE Gathering whenever it suits, or on the official day of Sunday, October 27.
Visit www.longestlutheranlunch.org.au, email julie.slaghekke@lca.org.au or call 0402 475 979.