A Word of Encouragement
‘And now, just as you received Christ Jesus as your Lord, continue to live your lives in him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness’ – Colossians 2:6-7.
Pastor Rolf Lungwitz returns to active ministry after four years’ Leave of Absence. He will serve Hampstead 0.5 FTE from mid-August for six months while Hampstead explore options for the future. Pray for Rolf as he re-enters pastoral ministry.
Pastor Peter Fuhlbohm, who had been serving at Southern Yorke Peninsula, has relocated to NSW to serve in Lavington. En route to his new parish, Peter had a car accident and we pray for his full recovery and start in his new parish in the NSW District.
Pastor Brian Keller completed five years of serving Port Pirie in “semi-retirement.” We thank him and Elaine for the gift they have been there and pray God’s blessing on them in the future. He will be available to the Port Pirie church for emergencies and special needs, but we “farewelled” him at the recent celebration of 100 years of worship in Port Pirie on July 28.
Financial Viability of Parishes
This has become an issue for a growing number of parishes, including within metropolitan Adelaide. Since this affects the calls of several incumbent pastors, I ask you to pray for these parishes, their pastors and families in this time of uncertainty for them.
Congregations and Parishes
St Andrews Lutheran Church, Port Pirie celebrated the 100th anniversary of regular worship in that city on July 28. It is good to read the early histories of these places, as they are stories of innovation, adaptation and responding to need and opportunity, being served in all sorts of ways from various distances. We can learn and be inspired by those who have gone before us to face and respond to the changing landscape today.
Grace Lutheran Church Tanunda will be formed from St Pauls Tanunda and St Johns Tanunda if the proposal is adopted at a meeting on August 18, merging the two congregations.
Berri-Barmera Lutheran Church was formed recently and Pastor Dean Mills has accepted the call to serve this new entity.
Lutheran Community Care
This year marks 50 years of expressing God’s love through Lutheran Community Care. Various events are planned to mark this milestone, including a thanksgiving service at St Stephen’s Lutheran Church, Adelaide, on September 29. We thank God for everyone who has served over the years, either as an employee or volunteer, and to all of you who have supported LCC financially or in any other way. God knows how far your expressions of faith active in love have gone in the lives of people in South Australia and the Northern Territory.
Pastors Colin Rohrlach, Keith Peters and Dudley Liebelt have passed away since the last Together. We remember all of them with thanks to God for their service, and we pray for their loved ones.
I travelled to Yalata to preach at the funeral of Keith Peters, the first Aboriginal Lutheran Pastor in SA. It was good to be there as a sign of support from the wider church as we have no lay worker there and no Ceduna pastor. Keith had only recently preached in Ceduna, and his funeral was a witness by the Yalata community to Christ and to the esteem that Keith was held in as a preacher and shepherd.
We say goodbye to our Together Editor Bethany, who leaves us to take up full time work in Wellington NZ. We pray that God will go with you on this adventure and thank you for serving us well.
Children & Families, Youth & Young Adults (CFYYA)
We have just welcomed the new CFYYA staff into the District Office. There are now three part time (0.8 FTE) positions in this ministry area after a restructure (in partnership with LCA Grow Ministries). Now working with Ian Crambrook (Camping and Events Coordinator), who began earlier this year, are Jeanette Mann and Joanne Chamberlain.
Team Leader: Jeanette Mann is a Pastoral Care Worker at Callington Primary School. Prior to this, she was Children’s Ministry Assistant at St John’s Lutheran Church in Bundaberg for three years, as well as School Chaplain in Bundaberg for six years. Jeanette also worked as the Reception – Year 12 Care Ministry Coordinator for over ten years at Unity College in Murray Bridge. Jeanette is an Accredited Lay Worker and has a Certificate of Parish Work, a Diploma of Teaching and a Graduate Diploma of Theology in Education. She is a member of the LCA and active in congregational life and worship.
Congregational Coach: Joanne Chamberlain was the Child, Youth and Family Coordinator at Gawler Lutheran Church and a chaplain in Gawler Schools. Prior to this, Joanne was the manager at the Christian Community Hub in Tanunda and the Ministry Development Coordinator at Langmeil Lutheran Church, Tanunda. Joanne has been a Grow team leader at Gawler and a leadership mentor. She is an Accredited Lay Worker and has a Certificate IV in Christian Ministry and Theology, along with a range of other relevant qualifications (including Seasons for Growth and Toolbox Parenting). She is a member of the LCA and active in congregational life and worship.
We thank God for leading these people to serve with us in District ministry. No doubt you will be hearing from our new team, since the intention of restructuring this ministry was further resourcing and equipping you locally for ministry among young people and their families, and in intergenerational ministry. Pray for Jeanette, Joanne and Ian as they get off the ground and develop relationships with each other and with you in the life of the District.
ALC Graduates
The bishops get to know potential ALC graduates (there may be seven this year) in August and again in October prior to potential assignment. Pray for these men and for where they might best serve in the life of the LCA next year – and yes, please pray for more!
Pastor Gordon Wegener has been working with LCA Church Worker Support on the detail and resources relating to pastoral supervision, which will be required for all pastors in all denominations by the Royal Commission, but is a healthy exercise in and of itself for the wellbeing of pastors and the church. Leaders of Christian Churches SA have it on our agenda to tackle this ecumenically, since we all face the same need for supervisors. If any of you would consider training to be an accredited pastoral supervisor, please let me or Gordon Wegener know.
Out and About
Lately, I have been asked if I preach much. The short answer is, on average, 2–3 Sundays a month over the course of a year. It can be challenging to find preparation time, but I find it a joy and mutual blessing to be out proclaiming God’s word and meeting his people. This year, I have had fewer special occasions to preach at, and have sometimes invited myself. Since the last issue of Together, preaching Sundays have included Berri (amalgamation and call meeting), Darwin (50th Anniversary), Palmerston North in NZ (prior to the Bishops’ Retreat), Aberfoyle Park, Port Pirie (100th Anniversary), Auburn/Balaklava, Stockwell, Tanunda (amalgamation and call meeting), Freeling (installation) and the New Horizons mission conference. I wish you could come with me to see God at work in the life of his people. There is much to thank him for and people who need to be fed and encouraged.
Assistant Bishop for Mission
Stephen Schultz is on R&R leave until early October. We pray he comes back safe and refreshed. I noted he happened to be in London on the last day of the first Test match …