Q&A With New District Pastors
Introducing Shaun Manning
Naracoorte Parish
Q: What influenced you to enter into ministry?
A: Not long after my baptism in 2013, I felt a call to the Ministry. Up until this stage I had only experienced Pastors of other denominations who gave off a more business model of leadership and if I ever met them personally, which was rare, I didn’t resonate with what they did, nor how they did it. The Lutheran understanding of the Pastors as Seelsorge, that is ‘curer of souls’, and the Shepherd like model of Pastoral Ministry. Pastor Bryce, who baptised me, exemplified the theology and role of Pastor that I had come to be convinced of and encouraged by. Simply put, I felt God wanted me to do what Pastor Bryce was doing.
Q: What are you enjoying the most or most looking forward to in your new role?
A: Being involved with people’s lives to bring the peace and truth of Christ. One of my favourite hymns is St Francis of Assisi’s prayer, ‘Make Me a Channel of Your Peace’. It resonates with what I feel called to do in my role as Pastor, with what I have and the people with whom the Lord has placed me.
Q: What excites you about the Church today?
A: ‘Excites’ isn’t the word I would use, but I’m just keen to be part of a remnant Christianity in Australia and look to solider on in the face of apathy and antagonism toward the modern Church. It is not too dissimilar to where the Church was at in its infant stages in the first few centuries; bar physical persecution, at least not here in the West, for the most part. Dispelling myths, proclaiming truths in word and deed and leading my flock to follow suit in sharing Christ’s light in the current world.
Q: What are your hobbies or interests outside of the Church?
A: I’m a very keen, though unfit, sports lover – particularly AFL and the other ‘football’, Soccer. I love listening to music, and also especially enjoy hanging out with and playing Mario Kart with my beautiful fiancé, Jacqui.
Introducing Pastor Lee van Rossen
Whyalla Parish
Q: What influenced you to enter into ministry?
A: I originally began study at ALC purely for theological study and had no interest in ever being a pastor. During my first year, I began to inwardly feel God calling me to ministry, which I desperately opposed due to my fear of public speaking. One Sunday at the Baptist Church my parents attend, the pastor preached a sermon on Moses and the burning bush – but from the perspective of the bush! He said that the bush was out in the desert, not providing shade or fruit to anyone, and it called out to God; “Use me!” So God said; “Okay, I will use you, I am going to set you on fire.” And the bush replied; “NO! Anything but fire, fire is my weakness!” But God assured the bush that he would be with it and protect it. Fast forward and the bush is ablaze, burning away, but not being consumed! In comes Moses, and God tells Moses to go and speak to Pharaoh, but Moses refuses – claiming that speaking is his weakness. The Bush exclaims; “I’m a bush! I am a bush and God is using me, what’s your excuse!” Even more, God asks Moses; “Who gave human beings their mouths?” (Exodus 4:11a). At this point I melted in my seat – who was I to tell God that He could not use my mouth? He had thoroughly destroyed my one and only excuse, and so I began catechesis under Pastor Fraser Pearce (along with my wife, Sonja), studied the Book of Concord, and over time God graciously gifted me with a deep desire to serve his people in the office of the ministry.
Q: What are you enjoying the most or most looking forward to in your new role?
A: At the time of writing this, I am eagerly anticipating my installation on February 9, and I am most looking forward to getting to know the members of my parish! I have never yet met a person without a deep and interesting history, and learning these stories, walking alongside these people, studying God’s Word together, being a help in times of trouble, and being God’s tool to care for them truly excites me.
Q: What excites you about the Church today?
A: What excites me about the Church today is what it has to offer – what it has always had to offer – Jesus Christ. Our sure and certain hope in Jesus Christ as our saviour is life-changing. We have hope, comfort, freedom, and peace that nothing else in this world can provide. I am excited to have God use me as a part of his Church to minister to those who believe, and to proclaim the greatest news to those who do not believe.
Q: What are your hobbies or interests outside of the Church?
A: In my free time, I am quite the nerd. I have been playing video games since I was five years old, and I have seen so many TV shows and movies that I often think in the form of quotes! I enjoyed a series of different sports in my teenage years, but have had a series of medical issues that have limited my physical activities, which only furthered my nerdiness. When I have the opportunity, I love to go fishing, practicing archery, kayaking, and learning marital arts, however, my greatest interests are being a good husband and a good father – spending time with my wife and daughter.