Professional Standards Update, May 2021
In our last update we noted a Safe Church Webinar that was run on 27 March. The focus of this was the proposed LCA Child Safety Standards (LCA CS Standards). These draft standards were developed specifically for LCA congregations and their communities as a mechanism for implementing the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations. The purpose of the LCA CS Standards is to provide a more straightforward and tailored version of the National Principles for LCA congregations to embrace and implement. They are written in ‘plain speak’ and are tailored to the congregation context. The LCA has now entered a consultation period in relation to these.
If you missed the webinar, you can still share the experience of the approximately 300 members who connected on the day. You can catch up by viewing the webinar recordings. A special webpage has been dedicated to sharing these with you, here.
On that page you will find a video clip of the full 90 minute webinar, and 4 extracts to assist those who would like to watch it in segments. The same clips are also available as audio only versions which can be downloaded, copied onto a USB stick or phone, and played on many car radios.
Nine congregations have volunteered to pilot implementation of the draft LCA CS Standards over the next few months. This will help to refine documentation and processes prior rolling out the CS Standards to all congregations.
If you would like further information please contact Mary-Ann Carver, LCA Child Protection Project Officer – or Professional Standards Officer, Dave Biar –
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