A Uniquely Central Australian Christmas
Advent and Christmas are special times for us as church members. With Jesus at the heart of our celebrations it’s easy to assume that we all share a similar Christmas experience. For Pastor Neville Doecke, who works with Indigenous communities as part of the Finke Rive Mission in Central Australia, Christmas celebrations are a time to put on his creative thinking cap, devising new and inventive ways to instil the message of the season, particularly for the younger generation. The result? A uniquely central Australian Christmas!
Enjoy these images of past Christmas celebrations at Hermannsburg, thanks to Neville and Heather Doecke.

A fridge box serves as the perfect surface for youngsters with free time after school to create a painted backdrop for a nativity scene.

This nativity was cut out and painted by a group of Aboriginal women. Spot the addition of a reclining kangaroo!

A native pine tree was harvested from Ellery Creek by Pastor Rodney and his family and decorated for inside the church.

At Wallace Rockhole, 50km south-east of Hermannsburg, the school children created a scene of the animals from the Christmas story to be displayed at the worship service, at the front of the altar.

Christmas carol night on the lawns outside Bethlehem Church, Hermannsburg. The school children sing carols they learnt at school, in their Arrarnta language.

Santa prepares for his arrival – not in a reindeer-drawn sleigh, but on a trailer pulled by the local police car!

Here comes Santa!

Santa delivers presents to the local children.

Children dress up and participate in a retelling of the Christmas story on stage at the local Youth Centre.

The Christmas star!

A surprise gift of decorated biscuits, spelling out a special Christmas message, delights the children.

‘Baby Jesus’ in the manger, as part of Christmas day celebrations.

Pastor Neville visiting elderly community members at home to share Christmas and celebrate Holy Communion.

Where is Jesus in our Christmas? Pastor Neville had hidden a baby Jesus doll underneath straw in a manger and asked children to look for what was missing. A good reminder to remember Jesus in the excitement of all the season can entail.

Pastor Neville with one of the youngest members of the congregation, Mariah, who was very excited to cuddle ‘baby Jesus’.
READ MORE STORIES ABOUT Central Australia, Christmas