Lutheran Women gather for Convention
Around 200 of our District’s women recently gathered at Lobethal Lutheran Church for the annual Lutheran Women of South Australia and Northern Territory (LWSA-NT) Convention. A warm welcome (along with hot cuppas and homemade biscuits) took the chill off a very cold day, with attendees enjoying hearing from several guest speakers in between official Convention business.
With the awe-inspiring theme of “Age to Age the Same” attendees shared stories of recent changes to many events, but were comforted in the knowledge that in all things God has remained the same loving heavenly Father.
Opening worship was led by Barry Fox who was called in at the last minute when the local pastor was unable to attend due to illness. The Bishop of the Lutheran Church, Bishop Paul Smith, then installed the LWA Spiritual Counsellors. Greetings were received from Adelaide Hills Council, Lynda Green and from the Federal member for Mayo, Rebekha Sharkie. The group was informed that the Mayo federal electorate is the happiest electorate in Australia, and were encouraged to continue this with the joy of our Lord, by talking, listening, laughing and being there for each other.
There were several speakers interspersed with the business of Convention. Karen Harvey from Lutheran Care talked about the over 50 programs and services available that LC has implemented since it first began in 1959. Pastor Robert Wiebusch gave the group the history of how, from Florence Nightingale through to the present, Pastoral Nursing involves care for people in a physical way as well as spiritually. Pastor Ian Lutze, who grew up in Lobethal, shared news from Tanunda Lutheran Home. The group was interested to learn that the original concept behind Lutheran Homes was for the younger people to come in and serve the elderly residents in this their new home. The helpers were like younger family members who not only gave help physically, but also their time and ability to listen, encourage and to support the residents.
The elections re-instated the present committee with President Josie Hunt continuing to lead LWSA-NT. The offering for the day of $9,300.20 will be shared between Lutheran Care, Lutheran Aged Care and Lutheran Nurses Association of Australia. Spot speakers touched on the LLL, ALWS, LCA International Missions partnering in Asia and PNG.
The next LWSA-NT State Convention, God willing, will be held on 4th May 2023 at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Glenelg.
Photos (clockwise from top left): Johanna Haarmann and Faye Pfieffer serving tea and coffee with a smile; the LWSA-NT Executive after installation (L-R) Ruth Kaesler (Treasurer), Debbie Borgas (1st Vice President), Chris Kuchel (Assistant Secretary), Faye Jenke (2nd Vice President), Joan Schiller (Secretary), Di Schlenk (extra member), Josie Hunt (President), Lynette Pech (extra mamber); Shirley Krieger and Christine Mitchell enjoying lunch and a catch up; the wider group.